Sunday, June 8, 2008

It was a weekend

It rained this weekend. A lot. My car almost got swept off the road twice. I made it to Japanica for Hibachi grill food along with 12 others to celebrate my birthday, Randy's birthday and Al's birthday. Steph couldn't make it - she had a party to attend with her sister for Uline. I also went bicycle riding on Saturday. Worked great until I crashed into Chip. We rode to a bike shop to get my bike repaired while he wiped off his bloody leg. Then I got two support calls from work. I had to cut the ride short, turn around, and dock my laptop at a Cousin's Subs to fix these issues before returning home. On Sunday, I had enough time to mow the grass and remove two dead baby birds from my yard in between thunder storms. We also went to Barns and Noble to plan our trip to California next week.

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